"I kept always two books in my pocket, one to read, one to write in."
--Robert Louis Stevenson
I first discovered the delicious pleasure of creative writing when I was six years of age. Not only did I produce a "novel" at this tender age (I believe it was about a diplodocus or some such thing) but I also created a book by folding over several A4 sheets and stapling them together. It had a title, the best cover design my collection of crayons could produce and even a page dedicated to the copyright and publication date of this masterpiece.
And then - life happened. Education happened. My own insecurites and societal pressures confused me into trying out many different things until one day I woke up at the age of 30 and realised I had been so focused on being a journalist (I am a financial reporter for Reuters in London during the day) that I had completely neglected the part of me that my childhood self understood so well and my adult self had forgotten.

I had some serious catching up to do. I had a host of experiences from growing up in India and studying and working in England to draw from.
So I wrote.
One day, I picked up the first crime novel that J.K. Rowling wrote under her Robert Galbraith pseudonym, and I knew then this genre would work for me - a sort of social commentary disguised as a crime novel. A great story to keep you turning the pages interspersed with clever and intricate observations on life and people.
EXCEPT that I wanted to do this in an Indian context, while also adding a sense of fun to convey how joyous life can be in the subcontinent.
Last Resort is the result of this effort. It is a crime novel, but I have used it as a vehicle to observe Indian society and human behaviour and have drawn deeply on my own experiences growing up in India, travelling through its beautiful countryside and, of course, meeting its incredible people.
As I edge closer and closer to the publication date -- I aim to launch the book in December -- I am nervous, excited, terrified and so, so grateful to have this opportunity to bring this book out directly to you.
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Joint Study is the prequel novella to Last Resort - a look at what Harsha Devnath and his friends got up to in their university days - a decade before the events of Last Resort.
Thank you and happy reading!